Our Team

    • Dr. Selina Ding Wai Eng

      Dr. Selina Ding Wai Eng

      Consultant Clinical Psychologist
      Consultant Educational Psychologist
      Multigenerational Family Therapy Practitioner
      Dyslexia Specialist
      Neuro-dramatic Play, Sand and Expressive Arts Therapy Practitioner


      • Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology), UPM (Malaysia)
      • Master of Clinical Psychology, UKM (Malaysia)
      • Master of Educational Psychology, UPM (Malaysia)
      • Graduate Diploma in Multigenerational Family Therapy, Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia (Italy)
      • Diploma in Neuro-Dramatic Play, Institute of Dramatherapy (Penang/UK)

      Work experience:

      After I had completed my master’s degree in educational psychology in 2000, I worked at two educational organisations that run international schools and kindergartens. Then, I pursued a master’s degree in clinical psychology. Upon graduating in 2007, I worked at Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

      My work for children is extensively focused on learning disorders in children and adolescents such as Specific Learning Disorders (e.g. Dyslexia). I have developed my very own in-house Ding Dyslexia Programme together with my team of special needs therapists that is based on Orton-Gilligham approach. My clinical work also involves assessing and/or treating other childhood disorders such as childhood depression and anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, eating disorders, socialisation difficulties, low self-esteem, school refusal, grief and bereavement, and so forth.  I coach parents and caregivers on mindful parenting. My clinical work also involves helping resolve conflicts among family members through multigenerational family therapy.

      My clinical work with adults includes their struggles to find goals and a balance in life. I have helped adults with depression, anxiety, trauma- and stress-related disorders, gender dysphoria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, trauma and grief, social anxiety disorder, and other psychosocial problems. I also have helped couples to deal with their conflicts in relationships or marriages.

      My treatment modalities include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness CBT-based therapies such as acceptance commitment therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy, applied behavioural analysis, mindful parenting, multigenerational family and couple therapy, social skills training, therapeutic play therapy, and expressive arts therapy.

      I believe everyone is unique and deserves a satisfying and fulfilling life. As a mental health professional, I am obliged to being non-judgemental in helping clients to address and overcome their distresses and sufferings, respect their integrity and competence, and to enhance their sense of self and self-compassion.


      • Certificate in Sandtray Therapy, under training by a certified Texas board therapist, USA
      • Certificate in Expressive Art Therapy, under training by a certified Texas board therapist, USA
      • Certificate in Orton Gillingham (English), under training by Ron Yoshimoto, Singapore
      • Certificate in Orton Gillingham (Mathematics), under training by Ron Yoshimoto,
      • Certificate in Family Therapy, under training by a certified trainer and supervisor, Australia
      • Post-Graduate Certificate in Satir Systematic Brief Therapy, under training by a certified trainer, Singapore/Malaysia

      Professional Affiliations

      • Ex-Honourary Treasurer (2011-2012/2013-2014), Auditor (2023-2024) & Clinical Member of the Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology (MSCP)
      • Honourary Treasurer (2023-2025) & Clinical Member of the Malaysian Marriage and Family Therapy Association (MyMFT)
      • Associate Member of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association (MPA)
      • Associate Member of the Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA)
      • Member of the Malaysian Psychology Association (PSIMA)
      • Member of Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA)


      • Therapeutic Play Therapy, Play Therapy International, UK
      • Acceptance Commitment Therapy
      • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
      • Mindful Spa-Mindful Self-Compassion
      • Modern CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder
      • New Developments in Treating Social Anxiety Disorder
      • Cognitive Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
      • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Couples and Families
      • Conversation with Family Therapists
      • Effective Couple Counselling
      • Family Assessment Training
      • Couple & Family Therapy

      Posters and Papers

      Below are the posters and paper presented in the 9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 2019 on the 17th-20th July 2019 in Berlin, Germany.

      Mukhtar, F., Ding, W. E., Awang, H., & Lye, M. S. Prevalence and associated factors of depression and anxiety of adolescents living in the sheltered homes. Poster presentation in the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Germany. September 2019.

      Ding, W. E., Tan, K. A., Fam, J. Y., Mukhtar, F., Lye, M. S., & Awang, H. Factor structure of Beck Youth Inventory-2.Poster presentation in the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Germany. September 2019.

      Ding, W. E., Mukhtar, F., Lye, M. S., & Awang, H. (2019). The effectiveness of group cognitive behavioural therapy on depression and anxiety in adolescents living in the sheltered homes. Paper presentation in the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Germany. September 2019.

      Published Journal Articles:

      Ding, W. E., Tan, K.A., Fam, J. Y., Mukhtar, F., Lye, M. S., Awang, H., & Munawar, K. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of the Malay version of the multidimensional Beck Youth Inventories-2 (BYI-2 Malay): Measuring self-concept, anxiety, depression, anger, and disruptive behaviour among adolescents in sheltered somes. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29(1), March 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjssh.29.1.15

       Mukhtar, F., Ding, W. E., Lye, M. S., Awang, H., & Munawar, K. (2021). Prevalence and associated factors of depression and anxiety of adolescents residing in Malay-operated non-government-run sheltered homes in Selangor, Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29(1), March 2021.https://doi.org/10.47836/pjssh.29.1.16

       In submission for publications:

       Ding, W. E., Mukhtar, F., Lye, M.S., & Awang, H. (2021). The effectiveness of group cognitive behavioural therapy on depression and anxiety in adolescents residing at a sheltered home: A Preliminary Study.  In submission.

      Ding, W. E., Mukhtar, F., Awang, H., & Lye, M. S. (2021). The effectiveness of group cognitive behavioural therapy on depression, anxiety, negative automatic thoughts, self-esteem and anger in adolescents residing at sheltered homes in Malaysia. In submission.

      Ding, W. E., Mukhtar, F., Lye, M. S., & Awang, H., (2021). The prevalence and associated factors self-esteem and anger in adolescents residing at sheltered homes in Malaysia. In submission.


    • Nur Khalida binti Zamri

      Nur Khalida binti Zamri

      Senior Administrative & Customer Services Executive

      • B. Computer Sciences (Hons), UiTM, Malaysia
      • Providing personal assistance to Selina Ding
      • Handling administration and customer services
  • “You don’t have to struggle in silence.”
    – Selina Ding